John Blevins


John Blevins is a North Carolina High Country / Virginia Highlands native in every sense. He grew up in the highest elevations of the Lansing area, but also part of the Whitetop community in Virginia due to proximity. Amy, his wife, and their two children, Cade and Mia, currently reside in Jefferson. They have two “fur-kids”, Bella and Owen, who keep the family entertained at all times. As a family they love to travel and experience what the world has to offer.

Recently John left manufacturing after an accumulated 25 years. During those years he spent much of his personal time serving his community as a Lansing Alderman, Ashe County Planning Board Chairman, Board Member / Partnership of Ashe, Ashe County Homebuilders Association Chair, and 4 years as Congressional Lobbyist. His interests led him to take part in a local independent film, an episode of Weekend in the Carolinas, a virtual tour guide for the Chamber of Commerce run website.

As a Real Estate Broker, John looks forward to redirecting his years of experience into a positive experience with you. Whether aiding you as a buyer or seller, he will provide you with the service you deserve.

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